Visit our TOROLINK page for information about upcoming events. Please sign in to see all events.
These workshops are best suited for students; they can be presented during club/organization meetings and/or as part of a class lecture.
- CAPE 101: Information about CAPE programs and services (5-15 mins.)
- Sexual Assault/Abuse: Dynamics, resources, how to help (45 minutes minimum)
- Intimate Partner Abuse: Dynamics, resources, how to help (45 minutes minimum)
- Stalking: Dynamics, resources, how to help (30 minutes minimum)
- Bystander Intervention Training: Provides an overview of how we can potentially stop an act or abuse or violence before it occurs (45 minutes minimum)
Develop professional skills to support persons that have experienced interpersonal harm. Some of the workshops offered include-
- Student Staff Training: How to support a student that discloses interpersonal abuse (45 minutes minimum)
- Faculty and Professional Staff: How to support a student that discloses interpersonal harm (this workshop includes information about the history of Title IX, campus climate, and how academic success is impacted by these issues)
To request a presentation please contact us at
CAPE also offers consultations for student organizations and campus departments that wish to host events related to sexual assault/abuse, intimate partner abuse, stalking, and sexual harassment. For event-related consultation, please contact us directly at or (310) 243-2567.