Parking Services

Parking Services is responsible for enforcement of parking regulations, parking facilities management and mobility around campus. Parking officers patrol the campus ensuring safe and legal use of our parking areas. Parking Services provides a free escort service for our campus community 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For more information, please contact us in our new location, WH-100 (University Police Lobby) or phone (310) 243 -3725, ext. 3725 from campus phones or email

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

After 5:00 p.m., please call the Police station at (310) 243-3639.


All vehicles that park on campus must display a valid parking permit at all times (Section 21113a CVC). For the Fall and Spring semesters, parking is suspended for two weeks, the week prior to the start of classes and the first week of classes. Reserved, restricted, 30 minute visitor, and 30 minute loading/unloading areas will still be enforced. During summer sessions, a permit is required daily. The "R" permit is issued from the Residence Hall Offices. An "R" (Resident) permit is also required in Housing as well as a CSUDH parking permit at all times when parking in the Housing parking lots 5A and 5B. 

Hours of permit enforcement are Monday thru Sunday, seven days a week, 24 hours a day.  Permit enforcement for housing lots 5A and 5B is 24 hours a day, year-round.  For further information, please contact the Parking Office at (310) 243-3725.

Visitor parking areas are located in Lot 3, north side of Welch Hall, and the Gymnasium Lot. No permit is required for 30 minutes or less.*

Motorcycles and scooters have special areas for parking. They are located at: southwest corner of Lot 2, southeast corner of Lot 3, northwest corner of Lot 4, and northeast corner of Lot 6. A separate parking permit is required if you drive a motorcycle and wish to park it on campus. This permit can be purchased from the cashier’s office.

Loading zone areas are located adjacent to major campus buildings. No permit is required for 30 minutes or less.*

Daily parking permits must be displayed on the driver's side, on the dashboard of the vehicle in plain sight. Daily parking permits are purchased from the parking permit dispensing machines. Cash, credit card and debit cards are accepted. The daily rate has increased from $9.00 to $10.00.

Location of Parking Permit Dispensers

Parking Lot

Permit Dispensers


Lot 1

Parking dispenser 1

Extreme Southwest end of parking lot 1

Lot 2

Parking dispenser 1

Extreme Northeast end of parking lot 2

Parking dispenser 2

Extreme Southwest portion of parking lot 2

Lot 3

Parking dispenser 1

Northwest corner of parking lot 3

Parking dispenser 2

Southeast section of parking lot 3, on the sidewalk near the motorcycle stalls

Upper Lot 4

Parking dispenser 1

Next to the “Information Kiosk”

Lower Lot 4

Parking dispenser 1

South end of lower parking lot 4

Lot 6

Parking dispenser 1

Northeast side of parking lot 6

Parking dispenser 2

South portion of parking lot 6, on the sidewalk

Lot 7

Parking dispenser 1 & 2

Center of parking lot 7, on row 7D and rows 7E and 7F

Vehicles are to park "head-in," using marked stalls only. Do not park in any "Reserved Stalls," for example, "100 Area Stalls," "Handicapped," or "Carpool." Invited guests to the campus may be able to get "One Day" passes, if prior arrangements/requests have been made via departmental memo sent to including the guest’s reason for being on campus, their name, date of arrival and time.

Request for guest permits must be made 72 hours in advance via memorandum sent to the parking office. Guest permits will not be issued to CSUDH faculty, staff, or students. Guest permits are the responsibility of the requester and will not be replaced if they are lost. Request can be emailed to

Semester parking permits are displayed inside the front windshield on the driver’s side, or properly placed on the rear view mirror in plain view from the outside of the vehicle (car covers are not recommended). Semester student permits can only be purchased online via student portal.


Those who receive parking citations and want to contest them must complete a Request for Administrative Review within 21 days of receiving the citation. A determination is returned via mail within ten (10) days.

Should an Administrative Review determination deem the citation valid, the cited party can escalate the Review to the next level. The cited party will then request an administrative hearing, which is held on campus monthly. The hearing officer will meet with the cited party to discuss the citation by appointment.

Should you elect to pursue an upheld parking violation after the hearing, you can request a Municipal Appeal via Stanley Mosk Courthouse, 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012, (213) 974-6135. This must be filed within 30 calendar days from the decision of the hearing.

Failure to resolve a parking citation will result in difficulty with renewing the vehicle’s registration.

(Reference Sections 40207, 40215 $ 40230 CVC)