Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA)

This voluntary benefit plan offers eligible employees the ability to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care expenses with pre-tax dollars.

Enrollment Information:

  • Employees can contribute $20 to $237.50 each month ($2,850 maximum per year)
  • Contributions are deducted from pay before federal, state and Social Security (FICA) taxes.
  • Must re-enroll during the annual open enrollment period each fall to participate during following calendar year. (Can change contribution amount at that time.) The Plan Year is from January 1 - December 31.

Reimbursement Information:

  • Enrolled employees can file a claim for reimbursement online (asiflex.com) with the ASI-assigned user ID and password, or by completing a Claim Form, and attaching an itemized bill for health care expenses.
  • In addition to the claims reimbursement processes outlined above, enrolled employees also have the option of requesting an FSA Debit Visa Card, also called the "ASIFlex​ Card." The Card eliminates most out-of-pocket expenses and claims paperwork (exceptions apply).
  • Expenses eligible to be reimbursed must be:
    • medically necessary,
    • incurred by an employee, employee's spouse, or eligible dependents (including domestic partner), and
    • not covered by the employee's own or another insurance plan.

Additional Information: 

Refer to the HCRA Brochure for a list of reimbursable and non-reimbursable expenses.

The CSU provides a 2 1/2 month grace period for employees enrolled in HCRA through December 31st. If an employee is enrolled through December 31st and also has a balance as of December 31st, the grace period allows them to be reimbursed for eligible expenses incurred through March 15th of the following year. FSA Debit Cardholders will have access to the prior year's balance through the grace period (March 15 of each calendar year).

Employees must submit claims no later than June 30th of the following year after the current plan year ends. After this date, any funds remaining in the employee's account will be forfeited.

Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA)

This voluntary benefit plan offers eligible employees the ability to pay for eligible out-of-pocket expenses for dependent care with pre-tax dollars if the care is required in order for the employee (and spouse, if married) to work.

Enrollment Information:

  • Employees can contribute $20 to $416.66 each month ($5,000 maximum per year) to personal account.
  • Deducted from pay before federal, state and Social Security (FICA) taxes.
  • Must re-enroll during the annual open enrollment period each fall to participate during following calendar year. (Can change contribution amount at that time.) Plan Year is from January 1 - December 31.

Reimbursement Information:

  • Enrolled employees can file a claim for reimbursement online (asiflex.com) with the ASI-assigned user ID and password, or by completing a Claim Form, and attaching an itemized bill for dependent care expenses. Claim forms can either be mailed or faxed to ASIFlex.
  • For expenses to be eligible:
    • Dependent must be child under 13 for whom employee or spouse is entitled to claim dependent status on income tax return, or spouse who is unable to care for him/herself, or a financially dependent member of employee's household; and
    • Care must be required in order for employee to be gainfully employed and, if married, spouse also must be employed or actively looking for work.
    • See DCRA Brochure for additional eligibility rules. 

Additional Information: 

The CSU provides a 2 month grace period for employees enrolled in DCRA through December 31st. If an employee is enrolled through December 31st and also has a balance as of December 31st, the grace period allows them to be reimbursed for eligible expenses incurred through March 15th of the following year.

Employees must submit claims no later than June 30th of the following year after the current plan year ends. After this date, any funds remaining in the employee's account will be forfeited.

If you would like to enroll in HCRA and/or DCRA please come to Payroll Services and Benefits in Welch Hall 340.

HCRA/DCRA Plan Information:

HCRA/DCRA Plan Forms:

Enrollment form must be signed and submitted to Benefits Services via the Benefits Services Secure Dropbox  or delivered to Welch Hall Suite 340. General Questions regarding employee benefits should be sent to benefitservices@bjlanjia.com or by calling (310) 243-3771.