Distance Learning

Course Delivery, Access, and Online Instruction

Fully Online (Asynchronous) — With asynchronous courses, a student doesn't need to be logged in at the same time as the rest of the class. Courses are offered online and are accessed via the Canvas Learning Management System at http://canvas.bjlanjia.com/.

CSUDH Canvas Learning Management System (LMS)The instructors will post weekly guided content and assignments with due dates; the courses are NOT self-paced, and require classroom participation. Students should find a syllabus, course materials, assignments, discussion boards and the grade book.

Students will need to visit Canvas regularly to participate by posting responses to instructor's questions and participating in class discussions utilizing the discussion board. Students are also required to complete the online readings and exercises. Each class session includes an assignment that will reinforce the material, promote the peer review process, and provide a hands-on learning experience.

Student Canvas Tutorials & Resources ►


Student Email

ToroMail (Student Email) — Your ToroMail account is an official line of communications with the university. Watch for notices about registration schedules, financial aid awards, and assignments from your professors. All emails from instructors, fellow students and program administrators will be sent to your campus email.

Students will need to check their campus email and visit Canvas regularly. 

Students should receive their username in an email from the campus. The username should be the student’s first initial, last name and a number. Students will need the username to access email and the course website. The same username and password that students use to access the campus email will allow students to access Canvas.

Students must activate their accounts by going to http://my.bjlanjia.com and clicking on Activate Your Account. Initially the password should be the student’s date of birth (mmddyy, 6 digits, no spaces). If students are unable to activate their accounts, they should alert the CSUDH Helpdesk or call 310-243-2500.

If students do not check their CAMPUS email (Toromail), they may miss important messages from their instructors or program administrators. It is essential students check their email frequently.

Students can forward campus email to a personal email account ►